Science news
Science alert : Scientific news
IFLScience : Scientific news too
Chemistry world : Chemistry news (RSC)
Science info & basic tools
UC Davis ChemWiki : this link points to an introduction to catalysis, but you may access other topics of chemistry, physics, etc., within this site : chemical portal with unit converters, etc. (by Vitalii Vanovschi)
ACS Periodic Table : the simplest one
WebElements : the most comprehensive periodic table
Scale of the Universe : incredible interactive tool (by Cary & Michael Huang)
Surface science and catalysis
Surface Science Links : surfaces and much more ! (by R. Nix)
Surface Explorer : visualize surface orientations (by Klaus Hermann, FHI)
CatApp : Energy barriers for catalytic reactions (SunCat, Stanford University)
Structure and thermochemistry of materials
The Materials Project (open source)
OQMD: The Open Quantum Materials Database (open source)
Crystal Lattice Structures (US Navy)
Alloy structure and cohesive energy (Mihalkovic, Widom and coworkers)
Alloy phase diagrams (FACT)
Alloy phase diagrams (GaTech)
Facility for the Analysis of Chemical Thermodynamics : fre FACT-Web section (by Christopher W. Bale)
Ellingham diagrams (University of Cambridge)